This process has been mainly concentrated in the manufacturing industry, vehicle and auto parts production, electronics and medical devices. It has been a key factor for Mexico's economic growth in recent years with the arrival of foreign capital that has generated important investments and led to the generation of more competitive jobs with a higher degree of specialization, as well as the growth of different economic sectors.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in 2021 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Mexico increased 8.74%, with an important part of this investment destined to the manufacturing sector derived from taking advantage of the commercial relationship and geographic proximity with the United States. Likewise, the nearshoring process has generated the creation of 3.5 million jobs in the manufacturing industry, according to data from the National Council of the Maquiladora and Export Manufacturing Industry (INDEX).
In Torreón, this practice has gained ground in recent years due to its proximity to the United States and the region's growing capacity to offer quality services.
According to figures from the Ministry of Economy, exports increased 17% by the end of 2022, while total trade increased 20% in the same period.
The region is only a few hours away from major U.S. markets through seven customs and is a gateway to seaports and borders, which facilitates the movement and delivery of all types of goods and services. In addition, the area's transportation infrastructure has developed significantly in recent years, which has improved the region's accessibility and connectivity.
This strategic location offers different economic benefits for the settlement of new companies and investment to the capital established in the city, mainly in the reduction of labor costs. By establishing operations in Torreon, companies can take advantage of having a highly trained team at a lower cost compared to countries such as China or India.
It is important to establish the basis on which industrial zones, areas and industrial parks in the region should be developed according to their economic competence, taking advantage of the nearshoring boom in the country and the region in order to promote industrial growth and economic development in the region.